Intergalactic Garbage Trek

Posted on | Sunday, October 10, 2010 | No Comments

From "Garbage Trek"

We're on a space...
Garbage trek!
In our space...
Garbage truck!
Got a lotta space...
Garbage trekkin' to do!
On our space...
Garbage trek!
We'll do our space...
Garbage trick!
We'll collect the trash and
Garbage litter, too!
We're on a...
Garbage trek, garbage trek!
An intergalactic...
Garbage trek!
Garbage trek...
Garbage trek!
Bag it up and put a lid on it!
She's an intergalactic, super fantastic, trash-collecting, garbage lady!
Garbage lady? Uh-uh! I am captain of interplanetary waste management!
She's an intergalactic, super fantastic, captain of waste management!
That's right! Wherever garbage needs to be picked up, we will be there at zip speed!
We're on a...
Garbage trek, garbage trek!
An intergalactic...
Garbage trek!
Garbage trek...
Garbage trek, c'mon!
I'm Captain of the ship...on this trash-collecting trip. Crewmen, to your stations...take your place.
I'm Ensign Austin...and I am here with my electronic gear to find the garbage to be picked up out in space.
Uniqua is my name and navigation is my game. And I will drive this mighty starship...every place.
Garbage trek...
Garbage trek!
An intergalactic...
Garbage trek!
Garbage trek...
Garbage trek, c'mon!


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