We’ll Get You What You Want

Posted on | Thursday, October 21, 2010 | No Comments

From "The Legend of the Volcano Sisters"
VOLCANO SISTERS CHORUS (Tasha and Uniqua in unison)

We know what we want
We know what we don’t want
So get us what we want!
We’ll get you what you want!
Do you want a new lei or a rare seashell?
We know what we want and we will not tell!
Some tasty fruits or delicious mints?
We know what we want and you’ll get no hints!
Is it soft as a pillow?
Is it hard as rocks?
Is smaller than a snail?
Or bigger than a bread box?
Do you put in on the wall?
Does it fit on a shelf?
You’ll have to find that out for yourself!
We’ll get you what you want!
Do you put it on your head? Can you hold it in your hand?
What part of “we won’t tell you” do you not understand?!
Is it made out of metal?
Cardboard or wood?
Would you call it great?
Or just pretty good?
Would you tell us, oh Volcano Sisters?
No, we won’t! Now go get it for us, misters!
We’ll get you what you want!


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